
Showing posts from March, 2016

Kelda vs Samyang 8mm f3.5 fisheye lenses

Review, Tested: Kelda 8mm f/3.5 Fisheye Lens for Nikon Posted on March 12, 2015 by lui_gough Fisheye lenses are pretty special when it comes to lenses. Their extreme distortion effect serves to be a novelty, which is sometimes overused , and can prove to be a handy feature to squeeze in extreme fields of view, or to ease 360-degree panorama photo-taking. The number of fisheye options for DSLRs have generally be limited, and it was hard for many to justify spending real money on a real fisheye lens. In terms of options, the one I like most is the Samyang 8mm f/3.5 fisheye (~AU$380), available under a range of different rebadge names such as Bower, Pro-Optic, Rokinon, Opteka, Vivitar, Falcon, Polar, Walimex and Bell and Howwell. In fact, I liked it so much that I owned one for Canon and one for Nikon! The other that’s widely known is a Zenitar 16mm f/2.8 fisheye (~AU$260), which is more suited for full-frame users, and isn’t as nice when it comes to flare handling. T

Installing EOS EF AF Confirm Chip

Canon EF lenses can be installed to the mirrorless cameras easily. We can make other lenses to appear as Canon EF lenses by installing the AF Confirm chip connected to EOS lens adapters. I had bought an autofocus EOS to NEX adapter which allows me to use Canon lenses. It also allows me to connect my M42 lens to my NEX camera with some information printed by using the AF chip. Unfortunately the AF chips are not what they are described. The normal AF Confirm chip only shows 50mm and F1.4 and works as described. The EMF AF Confirm chip is supposed to be programmable but it didn't. Only allow us to change the aperture setting and this can be recorded. But make sure your lens aperture is also set to the set aperture. The NEX camera uses the aperture setting for its exposure setting. When my lens was set to F1.9 and aperture in the camera set to F11, the reading appears normal, but the exposed picture is overly exposed. The solution is to make sure that we set the aperture of the l

Removing baffle from LA-EA1: from dpreview forum

Removing baffle from LA-EA1 Dec 4, 2013   I believe that most of you know that inner baffle can be removed from LA-EA1 adapter. By doing so, I made few test shots to see, if it indeed cover FF format. (Sorry for the low image quality, I have only iPad and did transfer those small jpegs via wifi) 1. A7r with LA-EA1 and Minolta 35/1.4 AF at f/5.6 View: original size 2. A7r with LA-EA1 with baffle removed and Minolta 35/1.4 AF at f/5.6 View: original size As you can see, it is almost good but there is a bit of remaining vignetting in the extreme corners. To confirm that it is not lens issue,  i made another shot with LA-EA4 A7r with LA-EA4 and Minolta 35/1.4 A

Guide to Using Sony A-Mount Lenses on Sony a7RII by Brian Smith

Guide to Using Sony A-Mount Lenses on Sony a7RII Sony a7RII’s back-illuminated sensor is the world’s first fullframe sensor with an on-sensor Phase Detection AF system capable of fast autofocus using SSM and SAM DSLR lenses. Sony A-mount Lenses include both motorized SSM and SAM lenses as well as non-motorized Screw Drive lenses. I tested out every lens I could get many hands on and here’s a breakdown of which adapters worked best on each. All testing was done under indoor lighting either at B&H Photo, the Sony Store in NYC or at Photoshop World which in all cases was less-than-bright testing conditions. SONY A-MOUNT SSM & SAM LENSES Sony LA-EA3 Lens Adapter allow Sony SSM and SAM lenses to achieve fast autofocus using a7RII’s entire 399-point PDAF and 25-point Contrast AF system in both AF-C and AF-S modes. SONY A-MOUNT SCREW-DRI