
Showing posts from February, 2015

Successful in Updating Hero4Black to version 02

Just bought it yesterday, on the last day of February, 2015. I checked the version as 01, shown on power-up. This is the most difficult update I have ever done. It is supposed to be fully automatic which means that there is no feedback at all. It also relies on icons, instead of letters. The easiest is via the smartphone apps. I tried the Gopro Studio, it is even worse. No menu at all as to any downloadable camera firmware. In the Gopro Apps, at least there is a menu to download camera firmware automatically. Actually there is no way you can download manually from your smartphone. The manual update version is to download the firmware after entering your camera's serial number and then you are supposed to install it on a new formatted micro SD memory card. Too dangerous for me. Using the Gopro Apps also failed a few times. The trick is to disconnect the Gopro Apps from the camera first and wait for a few minutes for the firmware to download. There is no feedback at all. If y

Excellent link to Camera Exposure Theory