Processing raw files

Once you start photographing using raw files, you'll need to process your photos first. Sony has its own software called IDC, Image Data Converter. I used it initially to convert my raw files to jpeg files for normal viewing.

IDC is powerful but not so user friendly. Selecting a large number of files is slow because you have to select one by one or use the shift key and cursor keys to move the select marker. It also does not have a lot of options to process each image especially in lens correction.

Lightroom is difficult to master but once you do the tutorials such as the link below, it become so easy and productive. The most important of which is the lens corrections. The camera calibration has some effects but I am suspicious of its effects. I prefer profile lens correction because the corrections are tagetted to a particular lens type.

The tutorial above is a more detailed version of the one below but below is most useful as an introduction to Lightroom 5. It gives you 10 tips for maximising the use of Lightroom.

Unfortunately it even lightroom 8.7 does not have the profile for Samyang. We need to search for it from the internet.


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