Lens Profile for Gimp lensfun and UFraw

They both use lensfun library but can only detect the older version of lensfun, not the latest version called 2014-09-30 Release 0.3.0.

You can use the data in that release but must modify them by inserting them into the lensfun library that comes with Gimp lensfun plugin and Ufraw.

You must make the following changes:

Incompatible lines:
<lensdatabase version="1">

        <mount>Sony E</mount>
        <mount>Fujifilm X</mount>
        <mount>Samsung NX</mount>

Change them to:


        <mount>Sony E</mount>


and copy them to the .xml files where camera definitions are made.
For my Sony E, I them in mil-sony.xml.

The same lens database needs to be copied to the other camera xml files.

These parameters can be calculated easily using Hugin as I had mentioned at the previous post.
The most difficult is to incorporate into the lensfun database where there is little documentation.

The location for the lensfun database files in Gimp for 64 bit Win7 is
C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\32\share\lensfun

I discovered it by trying it for a few times.

The cropfactor has changed from 1.5 to 1.534. Better use the 1.5 crop factor because my database indicates that 1.5 crop factor is the best. For example, 16mm is equivalent to 24mm, or 73.7 degrees horizontal field of view, which is what Hugin reported when I stitched my 360 degree panorama.


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