Iso 12233 Tests for Redmi Note 8 Pro vs Xperia 1 vs iPhone 14pro

Xiaomi has more than 40 or 4,000 pixel per vertical, 16 Mp square.
Xperia and iPhone with their 12 Mp sensors, only achieve 22 or 2,200 lines per vertical, 4.84 Mp square.

Iso12233 can only measure up to 16 Mp resolution, but it is obvious that Redmi Note 8 Pro is capable of higher resolution. The rule of thumb is that, the output resolution is half of the sensor resolution, so 12 Mp sensors can output at most 6 Mp. So 64 Mp should output 32 Mp provided its lens is properly matched.

Without any confirmation of the lens and sensor matches for the latest 200 Mp sensors, I am reluctant to buy any of the 200 Mp capable mobile phones. Reviewers do not help either.


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